Nourishing Ice Cream

Ice Cream is such a summer classic but it’s also full of ingredients I am not comfortable with including in my family’s diets… Here in lies the issue… one of the hardest parts (at least for me) about eating well, is denying my little ones the treats that others are eating around them… I stay strong because of my convictions but I have made a huge effort in the last couple years to master making healthy versions of some of their favorite and most tempting treats so we can “have our ice cream and eat it too” if you know what I mean ;) This recipe is Nourishing Traditions approved, Carnivore, Keto and even GAPS friendly!

This ice cream base has been a staple for us and lets us all enjoy guilt free ice cream goodness any time! Only 3 main ingredients, but it’s so simple to switch up with seasonal flavors, and you don’t even need an expensive ice cream machine! Win, win win!

3 Base Ingredients

  • 1 Cup of Cream

  • 1-3 Egg Yolks

  • A Pinch of Salt

  • Optional sweetener to taste - Honey, Maple Syrup, Monk Fruit, Stevia… for example, if using sweetener I generally use 1-2 tbsp maple syrup

Cream should ideally be Organic and Raw but if raw cream is unavailable to you look for low temp pasteurized and organic. If you are on a GAPS diet, you will want to use cultured cream. I like to make cultured cream with a mesophilic culture “Piima” It is so simple to use, you can see an older video I made on Piima culture here. Egg yolks should come from pastured poultry and be from a source you trust and are comfortable eating raw. As far as salt goes, I like to use a mineral rich fine grind salt like this Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt or Redmond Real Salt.


Now if you want to get fancy you can try infusing your cream with botanical flavors like mint, rosemary, lavender, lemon balm, ginger, etc… Simply measure out your cream and add to a jar with rough chopped fresh herbs and allow to infuse in the fridge for a full 24 hours. Strain out the plant material and proceed as normal. You can also add a little coco or carob powder for a chocolatey treat! Sweetener such as Honey, Maple Syrup, Stevia or Monk Fruit can be added to taste. Vanilla extract or bean is of course a classic add in option. Chunks of fruit can also be added but I prefer to save that for toppings personally.


Start by whipping 1 cup of cream, once you have whipped cream, add in 1-3 egg yolks and mix gently. If using sweetener, chocolate, or vanilla extract, add that to taste now. Place in the freezer for about 1 hour. When the ice cream is only partially frozen, whisk again, this is to improve the texture. Continue to freeze until completely frozen. Then when ready to enjoy take the bowl out and let it warm up for a couple minutes so that it is more scoopable. Dish up, add any desired toppings, and enjoy!


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