My Golden Milk Recipe for Ultimate Wellness!

Delicious, warming, and packed full of natural medicinal benefits, golden milk is the perfect beverage to keep you healthy and balanced! Today I'm going to show you my easy recipe for a simple to use and extremely gift-able golden milk paste as well as dive deeper into the medicinal properties of this ancient healing beverage! 

* DISCLAIMER * Before we get started, I am not a clinical herbalist, doctor, or any sort of medical professional! This is not intended to be medical advice, and according to the powers that be you are always supposed to consult your primary care before trying anything new! Phew… ok now you are sufficiently warned, I can get on with my crazy plant lady spiel! 

Turmeric milk, now commonly known as Golden Milk, has been used medicinally for over 4 thousand years! 

Let's take a look at the ingredients and their energetics….

Herbal energetics and constitutions are terms often used in traditional herbalism to describe the qualities and effects of herbs on the human body. I find this to be a very useful way to look at herbal healing but it can get a little confusing because the term applies to several aspects of herbal healing. The Herbal Academy says this on the subject “Energetics has a threefold meaning in herbalism, describing the energetic properties of an herb as it acts on the body, the energetic qualities of a condition or imbalance, and the energetics of a person (also sometimes referred to as their constitution).” Energetics are used in many ancient healing traditions

My personal constitution is cold and dry, maybe a little stagnant, I have low blood pressure and poor circulation. That's my normal setting, however this can change a bit seasonally and of course anyone can experience acute symptoms of any kind! But in my daily life I gravitate toward warming, moistening, or Stimulating herbs to keep me in balance. That's not to say if you are naturally warm that you can't enjoy warming herbs regularly, but it may just not be what brings you the most balance. Looking at the energetics and striving for balance based on your personal needs really resonates with me! Think about your own constitution, are you usually too warm or too cold? Wet or dry? Think about how your body normally functions and feels and let me know what you think your personal constitution is in the comments! 

1. Turmeric (Curcuma longa):

   Energetics: Warm, Dry, Bitter and Stimulating.

2. Ginger (Zingiber officinale):

   Energetics: Warm, Stimulating, Pungent and Sweet  It can increase circulation and promote warmth in the body.

3. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia):

   Energetics: Warm, Dry, Sweet and Pungent. It has a heating effect and is often used to support digestion.

4. Black Pepper (Piper nigrum):

   Energetics: Warming, Stimulating, Pungent. It can help improve digestion and circulation.

5. Clove (Syzygium aromaticum):

   Energetics: Warm, Dry, Pungent, and Sweet. It has a strong heating effect and can help with pain relief.

6. Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus):

   Energetics: Warm, Toning or Strengthening, slightly Sweet. It is often used as an immune tonic.

7. Honey:

   Energetics:Warm and Moistening, Sweet. 

8. Coconut Oil:

   Energetics: Cool and Moist, Slightly Sweet and the highly digestible fat can help with the absorption of many other foods/medicines. 

Considering these ingredients and the healing gifts they each bring to the table, golden milk can benefit your digestion, inflammation, immune system, stress, hormone balance, joints, skin & hair, detox and sleep! Incredible!

Golden Milk Paste Recipe

Makes about 1 pint jar of paste.

  • 8 Tbsp ground turmeric

  • 4 tsp ground ginger powder 

  • 4 tsp ground cinnamon

  • 2 tsp ground black pepper 

  • 1/4 tsp ground clove 

  • 1 Tbsp astragalus powder (optional)

  • 2 Tbsp Coconut Oil or Butter. (fat helps increase the absorption of turmeric)

  • 2-8 Tbsp maple syrup or honey (optional)

  • 2-4 Tbsp hot water


  1. Add all the dry ingredients (herbs and spices) to a small jar and shake or stir thoroughly to combine. Add your wet ingredients, coconut oil or butter, maple syrup or honey, and hot water, and stir until a paste forms. 

  2. Transfer your paste into a clean glass jar with a good fitting lid. Store this paste in the refrigerator for up to 1 month. 

  3. Double the recipe and bring a jar to someone in your life who could use a little pick me up! 

How to Make (HOT or COLD) Golden Milk

  • 1 rounded tsp (more or less to taste) Golden Milk Paste per cup (using “cup” loosely as in the cup you are drinking out of…) 

  • 1 can of Azure Market coconut milk (13.5oz can) will make 2-3 servings, or your dairy of choice. We also love this with goat milk but coconut is our absolute favorite for the rich and decadent aspect it brings to the drink. 

  • More sweetener to taste if desired. 

  • To make a hot drink, heat your milk to the desired temperature (not to hot, no one likes scalded milk!), add to your cup, stir in the desired amount of golden milk paste, viola! Enjoy, and know every sip is nourishing and healing your body! 

  • To make a cold drink, add your milk of choice and desired amount of golden milk paste to a mason jar, put the lid on tight, shake the heck out of it until it's frothy and well combined! Pour over ice if desired. Enjoy!

This is currently my go to gift for the expecting and new mom’s in my life but it makes a fantastic gift for just about any one! I hope you enjoy this recipe, if you give it a try, let me know what you think in the comments! 

Best wishes,

- Cora 


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